Friday, September 30, 2011


So yea I know I haven't been postin' that much but ah well. I think in all 4 seasons of X-Men Evolution my fave scene is this one:
I love Pyro. He's great. A complete manic but he's SO funny!!!!! Anyway, if that show is accurate to the comics I feel sorry for Gambit. Cause in that show he looks like a dork! I'm gonna draw like half the characters. I've already drawn Rogue, Gambit (in all his dorkness) and Nightcrawler. Next I'm gonna draw Lance then probably Scott then Quicksilver. Don't know why I'm gonna draw Quicksilver. His cocky attitude is SO annoying. Yet I still am gonna draw him. He'll probably be last tho. So until then I've got all the other characters to draw like Scott, Lance, Storm, Kitty, Pyro (With his epic Australian accent) and a ton others before Quicksilver. As you can tell I don't like Quicksilver, tho I like his real name if I could figure out how to spell it. It's something like Pietro or something. Cool name I just gotta figure out how to spell it. Anyways I'm gonna post the pics on my other blog. I don't know why but my life seems so busy and I always think "Oh I should blog about this" then when i get on here I've got nothin' but one or two things. In this case it's X-Men.