Monday, January 10, 2011


Here where I am it's rare getting even two inches of snow in January. However this winter ain't like that. Christmas day SNOW and the making of George Snowman. Today was the making of George James Snowman the second. We have like 8 to ten inches of snow. Here's a pic of George James Snowman...or not. This computer don't have a SD drive and I don't know where my camera cord is so I'll have to wait til I get on a diff computer :(. I have a sims game that I have five people. An adult female named Zelda (pre-made i didn't chose that name) a young adult female named Addie a teen male named Eoin a toddler female name Twila and a toddler male named Mark. I feel sorry for sims. If you don't have the right expansion they don't have seasons so they don't know what snow is.


Journee said...

Lol; poor Sims...I think. Idk, maybe this way they don't get cold?

Hopefully you can post the picture soon, I'd like to see it. :)

Kay Broach said...

lol Snow is worth the cold.

There's actually two pics.