So good news I got to go to a TSO (Trans-Siberian Orchestra) concert last night. It was awesome!!!!!!!! However the bad news is that this morning when I tried to upload my pic and videos my videos got deleted somehow. So here's the pics. Since I took them on my phone they aren't very good but oh well.
This guy in the pic above and directly below was doing the part of the devil and his voice was WAY super creepy but in it's creepyness it was EPIC!!!!!
Now for a ton of Perfect world screen shots I've been meaning to post.
KayWood. She's a winged elf. So she can fly and she's an excellent archer.
Amy-jenn about to get out of the water.
Midevil Amy-jenn.
Ready for battle.
This is one of the dangers of going into the ocean alone.
Chrisceila. She's not actually my char.
She's Quinn's.
She left for a moment so I angled the camera just right and got a really epic pic.
Chrisceila fighting a infant seagrub.
RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!! Those things will kill you without a second thought.
waterjumper is my second tideborn. I got some cool pics with her.
Like this one.
This one as well. It woulda been cooler had it been the moon.
Yep that's right, genies can swim. Even if the look like fairies.
Oh no waterjumper turned to the dark side!
Now look at her. She's gotten stuck in a crack.
KayWood taking aim.
KayWood taking a shot from the air.
Knightfrost got a new hair cut and color.
Again a new hair cut and color.
Knightfrost swiming past sharks and whales.
GENIE!!!!!! I forgot her name tho.
Knightrunner. She's a human wizard.
Swiming. Her head looks kinda disformed.
Chillin' out underwater.
Had to take a breath of fresh air.
OH MY GOSH!!!! Run for your life!
I have no idea who he is but he got a level up right next to was weird
The ground ate KayWood tho it didn't like her shoe.
Wow they sure look a lot alike.
Just by his name I can tell he's one of the "I'm so cool" types.
We were trying to kill the didn't work.
Why is she way up there?
Who drowned KayWood?
That's it. Hope ya liked it.
Quinn: nice. :)
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